Wolf Hunter Game

Wolf Hunter Game

Wolf Hunter Game Online - Play Free Fun Wolf Web Games

Wild Hunting is the dream of every sniper hunter. Wolf Hunter let's you hunt the biggest and most dangerous animals in the world. You will rely on your marksman shooting sniper skills to kill and trap animals including wolves, zebras, cheetahs, elephants, lions and even dinosaurs. Moreover, chasing your target animals on a moving truck makes this off-line game even more challenging. Do you have what it takes to become a sniper hunting legend? Have fun!

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How to Play Wolf Hunter Game

Please use mouse to control the gun and use keyboard arrows to control the player.

The Wolf Hunter do something good for the Environment

According to Nature.org the wolf hunter do something good for the environment. Many environmentalists are mad as hell that wolf management has been turned over to the states. But opposing the wolf hunt is not, ultimately, good for wolf conservation. Opposing the wolf hunt is creating a conservation crisis where none really exists. Gray wolves were reintroduced to parts of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho in 1995. By all accounts, they have thrived, much better than anyone expected. And so, as promised at the time of reintroduction, the states now have control over wolf management. That means more wolf control and wolf hunting seasons. The longer wolves are not hunted, the more rural Westerners will demand more drastic measures. Eventually, I fear, this would lead to trapping, poisoning, aerial shooting or even wolf eradication. With the hunting season, wolves will continue to thrive. They'll become more wary and avoid humans.

Fun Facts about Hunting and Killing Wolves

According to WikiPedia wolf hunting is the practice of hunting gray wolves or other species of wolves. Wolves are mainly hunted for sport, for their skins, to protect livestock, and, in some rare cases, to protect humans. Wolves have been actively hunted since 12,000 to 13,000 years ago, when they first began to pose as a threat to livestock vital for the survival of human communities. Historically, the hunting of wolves was a huge capital and manpower intensive operation, requiring miles of netting, specialized net-carts and big drying sheds for storing and drying nets. The threat wolves posed to both livestock and people was considered significant enough to warrant the conscription of whole villages under threat of punishment, despite the disruption of economic activities and reduced taxes. The hunting of gray wolves, while originally actively endorsed in many countries, has become a controversial issue in some nations. Opponents see it as cruel, unnecessary and based on misconceptions, while proponents argue that it is vital for the conservation of game herds and as pest control.

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